Art in education
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” Albert Einstein
As a child, art surrounded me. From doodles at the back of my school books, to decorating the walls of my room with hand drawn posters, painting discarded cans and bottles to reuse as containers -Art was part of my everyday- It was something to enjoy, something to participate in, and a way to connect with whatever I was learning. But education through the rigors of a traditional system meant that only a handful of us used and enjoyed art in all its beauty while it seemed out of reach of the others immersed purely in the academic program. Today as facilitators and parents who are part of a learning space that would like to encourage artistic expressions in various forms, it would be good to understand the importance of Art in education and how it benefits the child.
Art, in its broadest sense, is a form of communication. It means whatever the individual intends it to mean, and this meaning is shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms it makes use of,
as well as the ideas and feelings it creates. Art is an act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations.
Is art in education important and how does it benefit the child?
Students who are creating art not only become in touch with their feelings, they can express them using certain materials and techniques. When a child is painting, drawing, or using other mediums to create, they experience joy. Through that joy a child participates and experiences what they’re learning. Thus they learn more effectively and enjoy the process more. Art is for everyone. No matter the age, just being in the state of joyful curiosity and creativity broadens the mind.
It has been observed what occurs when children work using their hands. A young adult shared a memory of the huge sense of accomplishment when she finished her first sewing project at the age of nine. “It brought me so much joy. This sense of accomplishment cultivated my will power. Now as an adult I can reflect on the intention behind my experience. When I started the next project I was more focused, and had more patience, not qualities that were natural for me as a small child.” ( Radha, post graduate student)
“ Art or creativity helps to create a multi sensorial learning experience. When art is blended with the curriculum it goes beyond merely looking at it as a skill to being a problem solving tool. It approaches a problem with multiple solutions allowing both hemispheres of the brain to thrive. As the child grows, it goes from personal capability to creative thinking and imagination. The primary objective of art is freedom of expression, creative communication, problem solving, confidence and love for learning. It equips the child with a skill not confined to drawing or painting but a skill to express. Hence it is indispensable in education in today’s times”( Priya, Art Designer & Parent at Imara)
Art in education is very important. It helps children to understand concepts creatively and visually and spurs divergent thinking which is key to problem solving. (Maya, Teacher & Environmentalist)
Art has an important room in education. It is one of the main tools to help build creativity. Creativity is also one of the reasons why everyone is unique. It is a way of expression that people think they do not need but is essential for them. ( Zoya, Art student)
Art develops all aspects of a child’s brain by fostering imagination, creativity, problem solving skills, emotional wellbeing and cognitive development. Through art a child’s emotional wellbeing and self confidence can thrive.
We can also see that art and creativity were at the center of bringing joy and happiness to the learning process. When children feel joy they connect better and learn better.
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Pablo Picasso, Artist
Nice article